Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Mirror Mirror

The play our Year 12 Drama class is performing this year is called "Mirror Mirror"
I haven't actually read the script yet but we did act out a small bit, and I mean small, today which gave me a basic, and I mean basic, idea of what the play's about.

I like it so far :) I haven't pin-pointed any roles I'd like to do as of yet. Kyle looked like he was perfect for the ringmaster, I think that's what he was called, and everyone else did their parts well too. Our group is working very well together.

Our class also has a new kid! Jamie, who's a good friend of mine, has joined our class and she fits like a glove! She got the hang of all the tough theory stuff even quicker than I did!

Back to the play, I can't wait to get the script and actually read it because it looks really interesting! Well, see ya's all in class :) Knowlesey

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