Monday, April 23, 2007

Holiday Practice Tomorrow

We have our first Drama Holiday Practice tomorrow and it's a chance to see how people went with learning their lines over the holidays.

Don't worry, if you haven't got your lines down yet you're not the only one! I've looked at them a couple of times and read them with family members, but I don't know them off by heart.

Should be a fun practice tomorrow, it's great to catch up at school with your friends without actually doing any work (I don't consider practicing for a play as work because it is fun!)

See ya's all tomorrow! Knowlesey.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Family Relationships

Yesterdays lesson was very helpful because everyone in the family sat together and spoke about the relationships between out family. There was Me (Dad), Kyle (Brother), Holly (Mother), Jenna (Girl), Maddy (Voice) and Adele (Friend). Our group worked very well together as we established the relationships between our characters.

I'm feeling more confident with the role I've been given now. It will be a huge challenge, but I'm always up for a challenge. I'm also quite excited doing theatre in the round, should be heaps of fun :)

Anywho, catch you fellow bloggers later! Knowlesey.

Monday, April 2, 2007


That's the role I got and I'm pretty happy with that. I've played a few father roles over the years but this time I really have to put my head down and study the role of a father to get the best possible mark at the end of the year.

The full cast list was good, all the right roles were given to all the right people. Should be a great show with our very talented class. Can't wait to start it all :)